Re: Updating an Attachment without Re-upload?
Hello, If the file is shared (available online) you could just attach the url or one drive link to the row, then all changes made available in the file without having to reattach.1 · -
Re: Voting - how do I remove duplicated votes?
You can create an additional Unique check box column, plant the formula in the top column and drag down to bottom of sheet. New rows should be added to the bottom of the sheet. =IF(COUNTIF(Affiliate$…1 · -
Re: Auto Sort SmartSheet
Thanks @WesMcWilliams I'm assuming you have tried creating a report with all columns needed and sorted by start date column, then display as calendar? This would auto sort any new entries to your she…1 · -
Re: Displaying Payments on a date with Calendar view ?
Hi Karan, You might have to rethink how you are structuring your sheet. As the primary column row is what shows up as an event on the calendar and can only be associated with a single date or date ra…1 ·